Oh, shit.
What`s wrong with you, man?
Get up!
-Hey, get the fuck off me!
-l`m tying to help you.
-l don`t want your help!
-Don`t kill yourself!
-l`ve been through rough times.
-Like what, your Jacuzzi broke?
-There`s always another way out.
-Like what?
Like letting someone help you.
Why the fuck
would you want to help me?
Because life
has been good to me.
l saw you and thought...
it`s a chance for me
to make a difference to someone.
Why don`t you save that shit
for somebody who gives a fuck?
Look, man, you`re young,
you know? You`re healthy.
You seem intelligent.
Why would you want
to kill yourself?
Maybe l like choosing
when l die.
Don`t you have family,
people who care?
l had a wife and a kid,
and they`re dead.
-lsn`t there anyone else?
l find that hard to believe!
l don`t want anybody
to care about me.
l don`t want to be responsible
for anybody else`s feelings.
l`m through with this shit.
Hey, let me ask you something!
lf someone offered you
a good job...
something that would be
a real opportunity...
would you be interested?