l was just getting ready to say
the same thing about you.
l`ve already got the job.
How many cigarettes
do you smoke in a day?
As many as l can get.
l appreciate you coming in...
but the job needs someone
with, uh...
l`m afraid your lungs
couldn`t handle it.
That`s it?
Just that quick?
Come on, man, l need this job.
l got endurance.
That`s one of those running
things over there, right?
Turn that on.
Put me on it.
l`ll show you some endurance.
Keep this up for half an hour,
l`ll give you twenty bucks.
For twenty bucks,
l`ll run to fucking Alaska.
Never thought you`d make it.
Never underestimate a man
who ain`t got nothing to lose.
Evey man`s
got something to lose.