We don`t believe
in the average processed food.
We hand-pick carefully.
Cole`s the real expert.
There`s a poem.
Yeats wrote it.
Could you tell that this meat
would be this glorious...
while the boar
was still breathing?
l was pretty sure about it.
Well done.
How could you tell?
Well, it takes
some experience, but...
you learn what to look for.
You consider the, uh...
the animal`s age...
what condition it`s in...
its hair...
lts musculature...
how it was raised.
You can pretty much tell.
What do you think?
lt`s all right.
l like this.
Four-fifty a bottle.
$4.50? l should`ve been drinking
this shit a long time ago.
Four hundred and fifty dollars.
Don`t waste it.
l could live off that
for three months.
Well, you don`t want to drink
too much, anyway...
`cause you don`t want
to be slow tomorrow.
No, indeed.
You`re missing the best part,
Mr. Mason.
When you`re eating the flesh
from the pig...
look into his little beady eyes.
That way,
you will be devouring his soul.
Sometimes you even scare me.