""He`s gonna kill you,
or you`re gonna kill him.""
He was on me.
He was on me like flies on shit.
l had no chance.
l got my arm up
between his teeth and my neck.
Went down in the mud,
rolled over.
That dog
is fightin` and bitin`...
and l`m screamin` and cyin`,
grabbin` him around the head.
l stand up and fall
with my weight on him...
hear his neck break.
He`s dead.
He`s not breathin`.
He`s not...yelpin`,
he`s not bitin`...
and l`m covered with blood.
l stand up.
l wipe the blood off.
l lick it.
My dad says,
`"Welcome to manhood.""
That`s why this is a birthmark.
Do your patients
know about this stoy?
No, but you do.
-Good work, Derrick.
-Here`s to the turkeys, Mason.