You know, the only thing
l miss up here...
is the sports page.
l`m so used to getting up...
having my morning coffee...
and opening up the sports page.
l don`t read newspapers anymore.
They`re like the mirror
of the world`s ugliness.
l like beautiful things.
-l`m ready to go.
-Relax, Doc.
Digest your food.
We`re wasting time.
Give him more time.
Think of it as foreplay.
Never mind foreplay.
l`m talking about--
Prince Heny Stout.
Remember the rules.
l feel something special
about this.
lt`s going to be
so much more special...
when you finally nail him.
Eat some eggs.
You`ll feel better.
Eat. Eat.
l`m not hungy.
l beg your pardon?
l said l`m not hungy.
Oh. Terrific.
l`ll tell you what--
l`ll pull a switcheroonie here.
l hope this is not going to be
a problem.
lt won`t be.