What on--
- Is this the bachelorette party for--
- It's Bernadette's party.
- Bernadette is eight years old today.
- Oh.
[ Tires Squealing, Siren Wails ]
Well, in case you missed it, there
was a U.F.O. spotted over Phoenix today.
That's "Unidentified
Falling Object."
You may remember 31-year-old
Richard Brodie from another
high-profile escapade.
Last year Brodie skydived into
a football game at Sun Devils stadium...
and proceeded to pick up the ball
and run for a touchdown.
He was tackled in the end zone
by both teams.
As a result of today's stunt, police
charged the wayward skydiver...
with violating
restricted air space.
The F.A.A. is said
to be investigating.
¢Ü ¢Ü
¢Ü Got a ten-room house
that overlooks the sea ¢Ü
¢Ü Got a boss at work
who's overlookin' me-- ¢Ü ¢Ü
- Polyester makin' a comeback?
- Loaner clothes. County jail.
Uh-huh. Suit with
the breakaway buttocks?
- Tryin' to pick up a little extra
cash, Jo. A man's gotta eat.
- Y eah? Eat this.
F.A.A. inspection report. They hit us
with 12 safety violations last month.
That's the most for any jump center
in the country. And now, you pull this.
- Wow. The most ever?
- Y eah.
[ Brodie ]
Thank you, thank you. All right, relax.
- Shut up!
- [ Cheering Stops ]
We're already
on the F.A.A. hit list.
You pull a stupid stunt like this,
it hurts everyone here.
Now you listen to me.
Until we pass the next inspection,
there will be no more base jumps
off of radar towers.
No more bungee jumps off construction
cranes while they're operating.
And, Ditch, no more low altitude pulls.
You're going to bounce.