Yeah. Can I use a Q-tip inside
my ear or just around the edge?
This is serious. Knock it off.
Quit kiddin' around.
All right. Ease up, Jo.
Just tell me what you need done.
Reserve chute inspections,
A.O.D. checks, pH tests.
- All the things I put on the list.
- What list?
The list I put on your desk
last week.
You put it in there?
- Hey, handsome.
- Hiya, Max. How are you?
You gonna be done soon?
Y eah, soon as I file this half
of the room and chrome that half.
Got a new student needs a lesson.
Think you can handle it?
- You better run it past Jo.
- Can't do that. Jo--
This is not you.
[ Chuckling ]
- Afraid so.
- This is you!
Oh, my God. I didn't know you were
one of those big gymnast guys.
How come you never showed this
to anyone? You look so cute.
- See the haircut? That's how come.
- Uh-huh.
You are so funny.
Ahem. Okay. Jo's gone into Phoenix,
and I got four phone calls on hold.
I really need you to schedule
this lesson for me, okay? Please?
All right.
Where is he?
It's a she.
You better get on
those phone calls, Max.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- See ya later.
Uh-huh. See ya.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
You're the instructor?
Yes. Ditch Brodie.
If you saw the recent media coverage,
it was all a pack of lies.
- Sorry. I didn't know.
- Good.
- Um, Chris Morrow. Hi.
- Hi, Chris.
I, uh, wanted to take
a lesson today, so--
I think I do--
Y eah, I think I do.
- So it's a rush, right?
- Oh, yeah.
That's what I keep reading.
Just like a great high, right?
- Let me guess. First time?
- How'd you know?
Just a hunch.