Terminal Velocity

All right, Slammo,
who the hell are you?

Come on, man! What are
you buzzing me for?

Because apparently, Ditch, you needed
a tour guide to find your way here.

- What took you so long?
- What I don't understand, lady,

is how you're still vertical.
Why don't we start there, all right?

The woman you saw falling
wasn't me.

It was a female body dressed
in an orange jumpsuit.

The suits from your jump center
were easy enough to copy.

Okay. Okay, I'm startin'
to catch on, I think.

So you unhook while I'm up front
checkin' for traffic, and then--

She jumps. She max-tracks into
the blind spot behind your plane.

A body drops from the plane
above you: mine.

Shadowing above.
You look out, see her falling.
Or think you do.

Actually, I'm on my way
landing a mile off.

I see.
Yeah, I was this close
to puttin' it together.

Of course you were.
All right, so you've fooled
a guy who can't get his
sideburns even when he shaves.

- What about the coroner?
- Terminal velocity.

How fast does
an unstable body fall?

110, 120 miles an hour?
- Y eah, about 110, 120--
- Miles an hour.

Well, forget the dental records.
Her teeth are Chicklets.

What about fingerprints?
You could still l.D. her that way.

But they wouldn't, not if
there was a simpler way.

Like all of us on the ground
tellin' the cops who it was.
