[ Ditch ]
No! No!
Ah! Jesus Christ!
[ Y elling ]
Whoa! Mother of God!
What's going on out here?
- Where's the cylinder?
- Who started shooting?
It scared off my D.A.!
- That's not a D.A.
- Who the hell is he?
He's one of the killers!
- Give me the gun!
- What are you doing?
- You said that was my gun!
- Not anymore!
- That freakin' witch broke
my nose! I want her dead!
- No kidding.
You have five seconds to tell me
where the cylinder is. One.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- Two!
- Five!
- What the hell happened to three?
Three got his balls blown off
while you were counting!
Okay. Relax.
The cylinder is in my...
[ Y elling ]
Come on!
[ Screaming ]