Good likeness.
I saw your body, man.
You died. You got buried.
You still have your hat on.
I gotta sit down.
[ Albrecht ] Holy Shit.
are you some kind of... ghost?
I don't know what I am. I need you
to tell me what happened to us.
You took a six-story swan dive
out of a window.
She, ah, was beaten and raped.
Died at the hospital.
Hey, you asked, man.
Come on. Read the file.
Shelly Webster held on
for 30 hours in intensive care.
Her body finally just gave it up.
I saw it.
I couldn't do jack for her.
- Hey.
- Don't touch me!
- [ Sobbing ]
- Hey.
You okay?
I saw her.
I saw her
through your eyes.
You stayed with her
the whole time.
Yeah, well, you got to
understand something, all right?
I was hoping
she'd come out of it, you know.
Give me something
I could work with.
Look, I--
Why didn't you do
something about it?
You think any people in that building,
even the ones who signed the petition...