There's a lot more
to you than you.. er.. uh..
- You.. I mean..
- Thank you.
I sure hope I didn't get you
into too much trouble with
your wife the other day.
Nah. Wilma always forgives me.
She knows I love her.
- And you do, don't you?
- Are you kiddin'?
I'll never forget, the first time I met
her. She was working at a restaurant.
I won this "All You Can Eat" contest
and she was the one that cleaned me off.
I think I know.
- Where have you been?
- With Fred.
I mean, Mr. Flintstone.
I'm worried, Cliff.
- He's smarter than we thought.
- He'd have to be to get himself
dressed in the morning.
He's been asking
a lot of questions.
I think we should just call
the whole thing off.
No. No, I've got
a better idea.
Why don't we
turn ourselves in,
- then we can rot in jail
until the poles freeze over.
- I was just thinking..
Stick to your strengths,
Miss Stone.
And I'll stick to mine.
if Mr. Flintstone insists
on being so conscientious,
perhaps we can give Fred...
something to take his mind
off work, hmm?
- A bonus?
- That's right, Fred!
- You deserve it.
- For what?
Don't be modest,
you go-getter, you!
And Fred, let me let you in
on a little secret.
If you really want to become
a top executive at this company,
you've got to start
living like one.