Twitch, twitch
Do it, come on, baby
Do it, do it, do it
- Do the twitch
like you got an itch, itch
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Itch, itch, itch, itch
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
Thank you, Bedrock!
Thanks, everybody.
And remember, don't drink and pedal.
Good night!
- How 'bout a spin, Betty?
- No, thank you, Fred.
I'll wait till Barney gets here.
He started some new job today.
I'm not sure what time he gets done.
While we're waiting, how about another
carafe of the bubbly? Garcon! Whoops.
Don't worry, Mr. Flintstone.
I'll have that taken care of right away.
Table seven, sonny.
Barney, nice skins!
Sit down, take a load off!
- I can't, Fred. I'm working here.
- You're a busboy?
- It's honest work.
- Yeah, I don't have to
fight Dino for my supper.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'll get you a fresh tablecloth, sir.
Wilma, you were worried
he'd never find a job and
we'd be stuck with him forever.
Flintstone! Flintstone!
We want Flintstone!
The demonstration continues
to get uglier at Slate and Company...
following the unexpected layoff
of virtually the entire labor force...
by V.P. Fred Flintstone.
For the Cave News Network,
this is Susan Rock.
Fred, did you hear what happened
to everyone at the quarry today?
Yup. A few hours ago, I sent them
all off on a nice, long vacation.
You mean, a permanent vacation.
He fired them!
Fred! How could you?
- I didn't do that.
- You did too! It's all over the TV!