you will marry my daughter!
It is exactamente that told him/her.
A whiskey.
received a telegram
to say that she is pregnant,
therefore he/she will marry her.
but I didn't go me. It was
that revolutionary Indian.
don't know than he/she speaks.
must have dreamed.
There is a misunderstanding here.
know that man's species
is. I am not foolish!
for that, we will make an agreement.
I offer him/her that
always wanted, my money...
for my grandson to use his/her stupid name!
did understand?
Your mother?
- She doesn't want to see him/it.
arranged you a husband...
- I won't get married.
...a father for your bastard.
- I won't get married.
go yes. You will marry him.
will be a senator.
don't want him to be known that
there are bastard in the family.
thought that there was already several.
besides, I am passionate for other person.
should find out that Pedro As it is dead.
find better than forget him immediately.
piece to my husband and his
friend that leave this house.
Mister, lament but I
should ask him to remove.