He was a swell fella...
...but when the president, chairman
and owner of 87% of the stock...
...44 floors--
Counting the mezzanine.
Then the company, too, has a problem.
What exactly is the disposition
of Waring's stock?
As you know...
...Hud left no will and no family.
The company bylaws are quite clear
in that event.
"His entire portfolio will be converted
into common stock...
"...and will be sold over the counter
as of the first of the fiscal year...
- "...following his demise."
- Meaning?
Meaning simply that Waring's stock
and control of the company...
...will be made available
to the public January 1st.
Do you mean to say...
...that any slob in a smelly T-shirt
will be able to buy Hudsucker stock?
The company bylaws are quite clear.
My God! You're animals!
How can you discuss his stock
when the man has just leapt 45 floors?
Not counting the mezzanine.
Quit showboating.
The man is gone. The question now
is whether we'll let...
...John Q. Public waltz in here
and buy our company.
What are you suggesting?
Certainly we can't afford
to buy a controlling interest.
Not while the stock is this strong.
How soon before Hud's paper
hits the market?
January 1st.
- Thirty days.
- Four weeks.
- A month at the most.
- One month...
...to make the blue-chip investment
of the century...
...look like a round-trip ticket
on the Titanic.
We play up the fact that Hud is dead.
Long live the Hud!
We depress the stock.
- To the point where we can buy 50%.
- 51%.
Not counting the mezzanine.
It could work.
- It should work.
- It would work.
It's working already.
Waring Hudsucker is abstract art
on Madison Avenue.
What we need now is a new president
who will inspire panic in the stockholder.
- A puppet!
- A proxy!
A pawn!