Values, watchwords, tender years.
A little town you've probably
never heard of:
Muncie, Indiana.
You're from Muncie?
Why, yes.
Do you know it?
"Fight on
Fight on, dear old Muncie
"Fight on
Hoist the gold and blue
"You'll be tattered, torn and hurting
"Once the Munce is done with...
A Muncie girl!
What do you know about that?
I'm going to cancel the rest
of my appointments for today...
...and get you a job right here at Hud.
Oh, no! Really--
Don't bother to thank me. It's easy.
I know where a vacancy just came up.
Good afternoon, this is Norville Barnes.
Barnes! Where the hell have you been?
Where's my voucher?
I'm not sure.
I need that voucher!
I told you a week ago it was important!
I'm president of the company now.
I don't care if you're president
of the company!
I need the voucher now!
Why don't you work in here with me?
Are you familiar with
the mimeograph machine?
Well, of course. I went
to the Muncie Secretarial Polytechnic.
A Muncie girl! Can you beat that?