Do not fuss, madam.
The king has no wound,
just a torn waistcoat.
One would consider that
almost as vexing.
What was that?
I was rejoicing, sir,
that you are unharmed.
The son rejoices(!)
The Prince of Wales
rejoices. Huh.
Me, too, Pa.
God save the king... and so on.
Your Majesty!
Aha, Mr Pitt. Well, you had
a lucky escape, what, what?
Aye, Your Majesty.
Yes, you.
You're my prime minister.
If anything happened to me,
you'd be out and Mr Fox in.
There's no danger of that, sir.
Right. Back to Windsor.
Smile, you lazy hound.
It's what you're paid for.
Smile and wave. Come on.
Smile and wave.
Everybody, smile and wave.
Smile and wave!
Pa's right.
I am getting fatter.
I don't mind that.
Oh? What do you mind?
That the world thinks
I'm just your mistress.
That's what I mind.
You shall be queen one day...
the whole bag of tricks.
I am determined.