- This is the King's water.
- Well?
- It's blue.
- So?
It's been blue since
His Majesty's been ill.
Oh, God, another doctor.
Medicine is a science.
It consists of observation.
Whether a man's water
is blue or not
is neither here nor there.
Well, there's one blessing.
At least he's stopped
all the "What-whatting".
Lady Pembroke.
Mr Greville.
Her Majesty spoke favourably
of you today, Mr Greville.
And we do not like Mr Fitzroy.
You will go far.
Captain Fitzroy.
I said no concerts,
no public appearances.
It is by order of the prince.
His Royal Highness thought
it might cheer His Majesty up.
Come on. If we're late,
he will be mad.
Do you like music, Warren?
If it's played, sir,
I listen to it.
Soothes the savage breast,
do you think?
Not, I fear, in this case, sir.
Push off, you fat turd!
Yes, Your Majesty.
Now, what is this?
America, I suppose?
No, sir.
America's not to be spoken of,
is that it?