Never interrupt me
when I'm talking to myself.
- We're gonna take them.
- What's the signal?
You were a visionary.
The computer market was saturated.
The software stocks
were in the toilet...
and your fuckin' coldware
revolutionizes the industry.
I made a mistake.
- I came to tell you I changed my mind.
- Now.
Do you realize how inappropriate
that word is? Do I look frozen to you?
You look like shit to me.
Get away from him!
Drop the guns, now.
Under your jacket there's
a track-and-return module.
Throw it to me.
You, uh, gonna
leave me back here?
Do it.
Agent Walker, I wanna see how you get
down here and keep the gun on us.
What are you gonna do?
You gonna jump?
That's how the Vollmers
would do it.
Move back.
Give me the envelope.
Thank you.
The country's going down the drain
because of the special interests.
We need someone rich in the White House
who doesn't have to listen to anybody.
- What's that?
- The senator was having a fund-raiser.
When I'm in office,
it's gonna be like the '80s.
Top 10% will get richer, the rest can
emigrate to Mexico, live a better life.
So, you goin' or stayin'?
I think you plan too far ahead.