There wasn't much
of a courtship --
a few months at most.
WeII, then, romance.
I think Vivie just
swept him off his feet.
Tom was an American,
you know.
Though you might not
have guessed it,
he tried to hard to be
more EngIish than the EngIish.
Dressed Iike an EngIishman,
tried terribIy hard
to sound Iike one of us.
Don't think he ever quite
got the hang of it.
M ind you,
he was very reserved.
I'm sure he thought
our famiIy, the Haigh-Woods,
was just what he needed --
sIeepy, oId, and respectabIe.
Poor Vivienne
misunderstood him compIeteIy.
She thought Tom was
going to rescue her
from tight IittIe EngIand.
Hey, how about
over there -- Iook.
- [ Tires screech ]
- For God's sake, Viv!
ActuaIIy, I think
tight IittIe EngIand
was just what Tom wanted.
[ Soft piano music pIays ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Oar thumps ]
[ Ducks quacking ]
ExactIy how Iong have
Tom and Viv been courting?
Oh, minutes --
absoIute minutes.