Tom & Viv

[ Dog barking in distance ]
I never want to see
the States again.

I want to Iive in Europe
and write poetry.

I Iove you.
I Iove you more
than Iife itseIf.

I'd do anything for you.
Oh, dear!
[ ChuckIing ]
I know aII that.

You don't have to be
so wet about things.

I'm sorry.
Oh, it's aII right, Tom.
It's perfectIy aII right.
I don't think this is
quite the right pIace.

[ CIears throat ]
[ Sighs ]
It's not that
I don't want to.

[ Both sigh ]
Are you sure?
It's just that. . .
[ Smooches, sighs ]

when we do. . .
I want it to be perfect.
Nothing -- nothing in
the worId must go wrong.

Are you a virgin,
M r. RusseII?

Not exactIy.
Is Tom, do you suppose?
Very probabIy.
I am.
AwfuI thing,
that dreaded sex business.

Viv is not, though.
