[ Sighs ]
[ Smooches ]
Has it been
very ghastIy, Maurice?
[ Sighs ]
TotaIIy bIistering --
absoIute tongue-Iashing
aII around.
I think they. . .
They're in the. . .
I won't excuse
what we've done.
I haven't even toId my famiIy
back in the states,
but I can assure you
Vivienne is my Iife now.
I Iove her compIeteIy.
Thank you.
I reaIIy, sincereIy
did not mean to hurt you.
Uh, pIease.
Why don't you do
something sensibIe
with that hat and broIIy?
Yes, uh, of course.
Thank you.
Is Vivienne pregnant?
No, she is not.
After her money?
Are you a Johnny-come-IateIy?
A cad? A bounder?
No, I don't think so.
Any money or prospects?
I have $ 1 00 a year
from Harvard.
I am -- weII, actuaIIy,
was studying the phiIosophy
of F. H. BradIey.
I don't know
whether you know --
The very Iast thing my husband
wiII want to hear about
is someone eIse's phiIosophy.
I have pubIished
one smaII book of poetry.
Got a roof?
A tutor of mine,
the honorabIe Bertrand RusseII,
has offered us accommodations
in his fIat in Soho.
It's smaII.
I n fact, it's in the attic --
Bertrand RusseII,
the pacifist feIIow --
the one
the newspaper waIIahs caII
the most hated man in London?
That sounds Iike him, yes.
If I can put your minds at rest,
I recentIy have received
an offer for six Iectures
on French symboIism.