You don't have to worry
anymore. . .
because whatever eIse happens,
I've got Tom.
He's mine.
And you can't stop it now.
[ Tom speaking indistinctIy ]
A wooden-Iegged man.
[ Laughter ]
There's aIways
a wooden-Iegged man.
M AUR ICE : Wasn't one
in the Iast one?
There has been someone eIse,
a very abIe
and efficient cIimber.
''Doctor, couId you scaIe
this waII?''
[ Laughter ]
Yes, but not quite the same
without that Moriarty chap,
Here we are, Vivie.
I Iooked out
the open window.
The moon shone brightIy
on that angIe of the house.
We were a good 60 feet
above the ground,
but Iook where I wouId,
there was no foothoId
nor as much as a crevice
in the brickwork.
[ Laughter ]
Oh, carefuI !
[ LiveIy orchestra music
pIaying ]
ALL: Ah-ha-ha!
[ Laughter,
music continues ]
[ Vivienne speaking
indistinctIy ]