Ah. One thing you need
is a catchy titIe.
Of course,
it's a work in progress.
It might heIp if you try
to imagine Tom's poetry
as a smashed vase.
Ah. NaturaIIy.
You must understand
that Tom quotes
from many different sources.
The main character,
the prophet Tiresias,
has just seen Athena's body
quite naked,
and it is such
a frightfuI shock to him
that he can think of nothing
but rats in a sewer.
Vivie, I reaIIy
don't think it needs --
Is there anything more I need
to know before I hear the poem?
[ CIears throat ]
Other voices emerge.
The Duchess
from Webster's ''MaIfi. ''
She'd made a reckIess
marriage to Antonio.
Her famiIy wouId go to
every Iength to stop it.
There's a moment
where she brushes her hair,
and he cannot bring himseIf
to touch her!
The horror enguIfs --
That's not what I meant
at aII.
It is!
Of course it is!
He -- [CIears throat]
he quotes from Dante --
''A soIdier makes
a hasty marriage. ''
Soon after the wedding,
he discovers he's made
a hideous mistake --
Vivie, pIease.
This is reaIIy unnecessary.
Oh, is that the time?
[ BeII rings ]
CharIes, dear. . .
it is time
for your medicine.
Thomas, the poem --
I think it is time, dear.
[ M utters softIy ]
[ I nhaIes, exhaIes deepIy ]
''He Do the PoIice
in Different Voices. ''
[ CIears throat ]
''My nerves are bad tonight.
Yes, bad.
''Stay with me.
''Speak to me.
''Why do you never speak?