[ Maurice whispering ]
[ Laughs ]
[ CIears throat ]
[ Whispers indistinctIy ]
I don't keep a Iine
that Viv hasn't approved.
I reIy on her compIeteIy.
She's my first audience.
Of course.
She's a writer, too.
ConsiderabIe taIent.
I'II send you some
of her things, shaII I?
You do reaIize, of course,
what she's doing to you,
to your reputation?
What she might do
to your work?
You're wrong.
You're quite wrong.
You have no idea.
You don't know her.
She. . . has an uncanny
of certain things.
I haven't made her happy.
Some moments in Iife. . .
decisions. . .
are irrevocabIe.
Perhaps one
can become moraI. . .
onIy by being damned.
She's often
in a Iot of pain.
[ Vivienne giggIing ]
I must take care of her.
That's what I must do.
[ Laughter ]
[ I ndistinct conversation ]
Of course, Virginia thinks
Tom shouId Ieave me.
She refers to me
as a bag of ferrets.
It's my nose, you see --
writer's insight.
WeII, she shouId know.
Leonard has her
in and out of the Ioony bin
every coupIe of months.
[ I ndistinct conversation
continues ]
They aII hate me
because I've got Tom,
and they aII want him.
OttoIine's desperate
for an affair with Tom.