True Lies

It's okay.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for the party.
Yeah, it was great.
That's him.
- Pause it right there.
- Salim Abu Aziz.

This guy is really hard-core.
Highly fanatical.

The man's a real psycho. He's been
linked to dozens of car bombings.

You know that cafe bomb
in Rome last year? That was his.

As well as a 727 out of Lisbon.
This guy's a major player.

Now he's formed his own splinter faction
called Crimson Jihad.

I guess he thought the other terrorists
were too warm and fuzzy for him.

- They call him the Sand Spider.
- Why?

Probably because it sounds scary.
This is impressive, gentlemen.
It would be even more impressive
if you actually knew where he was.

We'll get him.
- Why don't you pull over here?
- What's up?

I really screwed up
with Helen last night.

I'm going to see if she's available
for lunch to smooth things over.

- You just want me to hang?
- Just hang.

I'll just be hanging.
Hold, please.
- It's your mystery man on two.
- Simon?

Oh, my God.
Hello? Simon?
Yes, I can talk.
