Waga jinsei saiaku no toki

And that's how I began looking
for Yang's older brother.

First stop:: Yokohama immigration.
I accessed the files
for one "Yang Toku-Ken."

Seems he immigrated
two years ago...

and is apparently still here.
He only had a two-week visa...
meaning somewhere in Japan...
he's living as an illegal alien.
Still driving that flashy piece of crap?
Guess you can't be doing too bad.
It just looks that way,
Lieutenant Nakayama.

Can't imagine
the illegal alien stuff pays much.

Tell me about it. I'm flat broke!
Seems to be a lot
of foreigner crime these days.

Gives me a headache.
Drugs, prostitution, theft, murder.
Few days ago, two more got it.
I should be getting back to work--
"Yang, Toku-Ken." Taiwan, huh?
