New home all right?
Not bad, not bad.
why didn't you take over
Kanno's place?
The wife likes where we are.
Not that I don't appreciate
Kanno's offer.
"Yamamoto"..the family man.
Is that Beijing I hear in your voice?
That's all in the past.
Always wanted to visit the mainland.
Before coming toJapan, I mean.
You can go anytime, though,
now that you'reJapanese.
Shall we speak in Japanese,
I've decided to forget the past.
People should look to the future.
That's what Kanno always says.
True. Good point.
We have new lives, thanks to him.
So if we see him, we contact you.
Then we get Y5000.
Yes, you will.
I went to the mah-jongg
place the other day.
He got fired, that Chinese guy.
He what?
Because of the other day?
Nope. Got caught in the register.
Wouldn't have thought
he was the type.
Can't always tell by looks, you know.
It's Nakayama!