- Good morning, Mr. Randall.
- I've moved to the Mayflower.
- Is that permanent?
- Yes.
Call legal and find out
if the deal with Alden is closed.
Get Roy to come over with a list of
every author he's ever worked with.
And a list of every author
I've ever worked with.
Call Alden and get me
an appointment this afternoon.
Is the worm turning?
- The worm is now packing an Uzi.
- It's about fucking time.
Shall I resign today? Promise
never to see Charlotte again?
- Just tell me what to do.
- Resign today.
I can't do that.
So why did I say it?
I guess it's just a way
of telling you ...
... how bad I feel
about being such a shit.
I love you, Will.
I know how that sounds. but I do.
I know how much I've hurt you
and it kills me.
I know I can't ...
- You'll never forgive me, will you?
- No.