If not peanut butter and jelly,
and I won't tell my father.
- Let's get back before it's dark.
- Are you cold?
No. but we will be.
What is it?
- Here. sit down.
- I think ... I want to get inside.
It's not that far.
Here. Lean on me.
Listen, I'm an almost-professional
psychiatric nurse.
Elevated, but you'll live.
Is this another attack?
I don't know.
Don't be upset with me
if I tell you this, okay?
You are beautiful.
And the nicest girl ...
Can I get you something to eat?
- I can't eat.
- Then go to sleep.
The next thing you know it'll
be morning and I'll make coffee.
- Eggs and toast.
- Bacon.
You think I can't get bacon?
I just may surprise you.