Wyatt Earp

I'm Wyatt Earp.
Wyatt Earp!
Who the fuck is Wyatt Earp?
It appears to be just some asshole.
He's the asshole who enforces the law.
- There ain't no law in Dodge City. - That's right.
Not for the Clements crew.
Stand down.
We've got some new laws since you boys were here.
Tell them, Morgan.
All visitors will check their guns immediately upon arrival.
That'll be the day.
No discharge of firearms within the city limits...
except on the Fourth of July and Christmas Day.
No riding into the stores...
saloons, the dance halls, or the gambling houses.
And no public intoxication.
Mannen, what's that supposed to mean, public intoxication?
I think what he means is we done enough talking.
It means if you do anything we don't much approve of...
we got a legal right to shoot you down.
You the one that's gonna try it?
Mr. Clements, your men respect you.
I don't wanna do anything to take away from that.
I'm sure you've earned it.
So you and your boys are welcome in Dodge City...
as long as you obey the law.
