What we've got to decide is how to invest it.
Don't you ignore me, Wyatt.
If somebody voted you king of this family, I didn't hear about it.
You dragged us all down here with a lot of talk about owning businesses...
and getting rich. Now here you are a year later...
a bunch of lawmen and bartenders, just like before.
Bessie, some things haven't worked out like we'd like. That's nobody's fault.
We didn't all come out here to split up stakes.
We're trying to build something.
Why does it always have to be the brothers together?
Why can't it just be you and me, James?
They're all afraid to say anything, but they're thinking the same thing.
We are your wives.
Don't we ever count more than the damn brothers?
No, Bessie, you don't.
Wives come and go, that's the plain truth of it. They run off.
They die.
You're a cold man, Wyatt Earp.
God forgive you, you are cold.
I'm sorry if I hurt you today.
That was not my intention.
Let's have children, Wyatt.
You're always talking about family.
Let's have children.
A family of our own. Our children, yours and mine.
Before I'm too old for it.
Before I dry up inside.
I can feel it, Wyatt.