...that you, Frank Stillwell, and you, Pete Spence...
did on the evening of September 8,1881...
rob the Sandy Bob stagecoach on the road from Tombstone to Bisbee.
- How do you plead? - Not guilty.
- That's not all I got to say. - You'll get your chance.
- Spence? - I didn't do nothing, Judge.
It's all a setup job by those damn Earps and Marshal White.
Look at me, Judge. This is the way they treat you...
when you come nice and easy-like to defend your good name.
- Nice and easy, my ass. - Quiet, everyone.
Now, there's enough evidence and eyewitnesses...
to warrant an indictment.
I'll set your bail at $7,000 each.
- Have you the means? - They got it!
We'll stand that money, Judge.
Get them away from these bastards before they find themselves lynched.
There ain't an honest cowboy who can get a fair shake in this town.
First, why don't you show me an honest cowboy?
That's enough.
The next man that speaks out will be fined $25 contempt of court.
Your Honor, $25 wouldn't pay for half the contempt I got for this court.
Bailiff, collect $50 from Curly Bill Brocius.
It didn't take them long to get back on the road.
The Clantons and the McLaurys paid their bail. It's the law.
Same for them as it is for you or me.
Then I guess it don't work too well, John.