- What would you know about it, Mr. Earp? - Wyatt.
You don't know anything about me.
I knew a lot about you the minute you got off that stagecoach.
Like what?
That you're a brave young woman.
That you came out to a place like this on your own...
to a man you knew wasn't right for you...
because you liked the adventure of it all.
I've never been afraid of much.
You're afraid to say my name.
Why would I be afraid of that?
Because you know once you do, that'll be it.
You've got a lot of confidence, Mr. Earp.
I believe you're trying to seduce me.
What do people call you?
What makes you different from all the men who've tried what you're trying?
- I guess you know, Josie. - No, I don't.
Then say it.
All right. I don't know what you're talking about...
Come on, Brocius, let's go.
Come on.
Get on your horse, Bill, before they shoot you down in cold blood.
You had your last chance and you let it go. There ain't gonna be no more talking.