What are you doing here?
Ike Clanton's been going around all morning...
saying they're gonna shoot the first Earp who shows his face.
Just Ike?
Come away with me now. We'll leave the trouble behind and go.
- Leave? I'm not gonna leave. - Please, Wyatt.
I don't want to see you shot down in some street fight I don't even understand.
This is where we live.
My brothers and me, we've staked it all on this place.
It's nothing. It's a mining camp, dirty and small-minded.
It's our home...
and I'm not leaving.
Not for the Clantons or the McLaurys, or anybody.
Not even you.
Then give me a gun.
I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt you.
Go home.
Thinking about you could get me killed.
I love you, Wyatt.
If you leave me, I'll kill myself.
And I'll do it this time. I swear.
I swear before God Almighty I will kill myself.
It'll be on your head.
Do you hear me?
If you don't break off with that whore, you will come back and find me dead.