I discovered a rule.
With a dozen people...
you can fight to death.
With hundreds involved,
the fight never gets going.
'Cause the more you drag in...
the more likely it is...
that the same people will
be friendly with both sides.
So it was this time.
We'd both gone for the
most fared bully in Peking.
He had an awesome reputation.
and everyone talked about
his underhanded ways.
This was my first...
and last encounter with him.
He was later...
killed by teenage punks who
wanted to take his place.
All I remember is that
his hand was so soft,
it was like a girl's.
So I got off without a scratch.
But something else was
driving me completely mad.
Mi Lan seemed to be avoiding me.
Mi Lan.
Mi Lan!
Mi Lan!
Who's there?
Oh, it's you.
Come over here.