Don't be. really...
it's not good to take girls' photos.
Come over here.
I've got something for you.
Come here.
It's got three colours.
I saw her practically every day.
To make myself look good...
I'd claim credit for things
other people had done...
exaggerating and padding...
out the stories with abandon.
My alleged evil deeds...
matched neither my
actual age or experience.
She encouraged me, never looking
shocked at anything I said.
I told her how I'd
learned how to make keys...
and pick locks....
and broken into her house...
and seen her photo...
and all she siad was, "Really"?
Sometimes she'd fall asleep,
and I'd try my hardest
not to stare at her body,
and keep my thoughts under control.
But wait...
My memory plays tricks.
I've confused reality and dreams.
Maybe she never fell
asleep in front of me.
She may never have
stared at me like that.
Heavens! If not, Why is her gaze...
and her sleeping figure so
deeply etched in my brain?