Hi! You're looking gorgeous!
I feel about you like the
Masses about the Party.
Like the Masses about the Party!
Look what I've brought
the birthday boys.
Hands clean?
Check them out.
Wow! Pushkin's poetry!
Won't you look sharp skating in that!
Really sharp.
No chick will be able
to resist his advances.
- they'll surround him. No need to advance.
No good, no good, that's too dangerous.
If they surround him
the ice will crack......
......give that to me, it's safer.
Thank you.
Look at you. You're just
going to say 'thank you'?
What should I do?
Think about it.
Open yours, Ma Xiaojun.
She looks after you
like the Party itself.
For once you've said something clever.
Try it on.
The waist looks right.
Then it'll fit, won't it?
Not necessarily. Try it on.
Try it on! Try it on!
Ignore them. Just
practice your swimming.
I'm still counting on you to save me.
Well, then no need to thank you.
It's only so I can save you, after all.
Conslder Liu Yiku's deeply
felt thanks from both of us.
You're a jerk.
That's right.
Comrade, could you bring us our food?
Or at least some water first?
Bitch! She's ignoring us.
Never mind. Let's have some fun.
How? Whats
Think! You're always got lots of ideas!
Let's play 'find the hanky'.
We can use Ma Xiaojun's red undies.
Then that's 'find the undies'.
I've got a game.
You're not allowed to ruin your gift!