Mm. It's pretty scrumptious.
Let's do it, ladies.
As student body president,
I just wanna say, like...
"yea," to all of us
for a really neat year.
Yo, Stacey! Talk to me.
Talk to me. Talk to me, baby.
And, also, that I hope you can
all attend my totally amazing
end-of-school party...
next Saturday to watch the Powerline
concert live on pay-per-view.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
And now without further ado,
Principal Mazur.
Thank you, Stacey, and good morning,
boys and girls.
You know, every year on
the last day of school...
I have several youngsters
approach me and say...
"Principal Mazur, what can we do
to not waste our summer vacation?
We don't wanna waste our free time
sleeping or visiting friends."
Say, uh, Roxanne,
about Stacey's party...
How you, uh, how you
doin' down there, Bobby?
Don't gimme that attitude, you guys.
I'm doin' it all for you.
This is nuts. I don't why I
let you guys talk me into this.
If my dad finds out,
he's gonna nuke my entire existence.
Of the element. Or...
- I hope this works.
- How about science slumber parties?
I'm not gonna get...
Some people settle for
the typical things
Livin' all their lives
waitin' in the wings
It ain't a question of "if"
Just a matter of time