Hey, Mazur.
What's up, bro? All right.
Then my parent's air conditioning went
on the fritz, so I figured with all...
those kids in my house, the place would
be like a sauna, so I'm all freaked out,
but then I thought, like,
"Use it," so my theme's gonna be:
Powerline goes rain forest.
Too much? Roxanne.
Are you listening?
- Stacey, no. I don't wanna...
- Talk to him.
Tap him.
- Gosh, I'm sorry.
- It's okay. Really.
- Um, I-I liked your dance.
- Yeah.
Yeah? Yeah, it's from
Powerline's new video.
I know.
He-He's totally a genius.
Y-Yeah, he's, uh, he's doin'
a concert next week in L.A.
Oh, yeah.
Stacey's showing it at her party.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Um, uh, Roxanne...
I was, uh, sorta kinda
thinkin' that maybe I'd, uh...
ask you to go with me,
that is, to the party.
Of course, if you don't want to,
I'd completely understand.
Well, I was sorta kinda
thinkin' that I'd love to.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Good.
- Great.
- Terrific.
- Wonderful.
- All right.
- Okay.
Come on, Roxanne. We don't wanna
beleaguer the moment now, do we?
- Well, I better be going.
- I'll, uh, call you later.
Okay. Bye. Oh.
- Bye.
- See? That wasn't so bad.
- I told you men are easy to deal with.
- Yes! She said yes!
Everybody mambo!