All right, then. Guess
I'll just have to go...
all alone, that's all.
Just sit in the boat
all alone...
and talk to myself.
- All alone.
- I guess so.
- Aw, come on. Hop in.
- No, Dad.
- Just hop right in there.
- No.
Come on, Maxie.
Go for it.
And we're ready
for takeoff.
- Set for adventure, Maxie?
- Why are you doing this to me, Dad?
'Cause I don't want you
to end up in the electric chair.
- Electric chair? What are you...
- I'm not givin' up on you, son.
Together, we're gonna
work this out.
- Work this out? But, Dad...
- No "buts" about it, Maxie boy.
- Your old pop knows best.
- But...
Goodbye, house.
Goodbye, mailbox.
Goodbye, pile of broken wood.
Goodbye, hopes.
Goodbye, dreams.
Goodbye, Roxanne. Roxanne!
Dad, I-I gotta stop somewhere first.
I-I have to talk to someone.
- Well...
- Quick! Turn here!
Dad! Dad! Watch out!
Dad, quick! Here!
Pull over.
Now make it quick, Maxie boy.
We gotta put some road behind us.
You get and cancel your first date
in less than an hour.
Must be some kinda
lame-o record.
Hi. Is Roxanne home?
Uh, m-m-my name's Max.
Does Roxanne live here?
- Does she even live on this block?
- Wait.
It's okay, Daddy.
Max is a friend from school.
Go on. Go on. Good daddy.