Sick of modern livin'
Dad, you're gonna
get us killed!
- Why don't you just give me the map?
- Oh, no, thanks, son.
Navigating's a big responsibility.
'Sides, you wouldn't wanna
spoil the big surprise.
I'm takin' you to someplace
pretty special.
Gosh! It's even better
than I remembered.
No, Mommy!
I don't wanna go!
Yeah, fun. Tell you what. I'm just
gonna wait right here in the car.
You party pooper. Come on.
This is gonna be fun.
Oh, howdy there, folks.
Lester's is proud to
present the awesome posse...
Here it is.
Oh, boy. Just in time.
Howdy, folks.
Who's your favourite possum?
- Got us a seat right up front.
- Let me introduce you to the posse.
Here's Beuford, Beulah
and Mordachai.
Hey, Lester.
Ready for yodelin'?
- Sure am, Beuford.
- Now gather round my possum pals
Join the jamboree, come hoot and howl
and holler from the heart
This is pathetic.
Join in, folks.
It's yodelin' time.
Lester's Possum Park