Oh, Paul, even the thought of you
in all that danger,
it was just too much.
I knew if I got them,
you were still alive.
That's all
I cared about--
that you were alive...
That's all that was
important to me.
Can you forgive me?
Yeah, sure.
I wrote to you.
You got those, right?
Got a few.
I told you
I wasn't a big writer.
I quite agree
the distinction is dubious.
It's a course I'm taking.
His name's Armistead.
He makes tons of money.
The whole country's
making money
hand over fist.
You've been away,
out of touch.
You don't know,
but you will.
I went to make sure Mr. Sweeney
held your job, like he promised.
He said you could start
the day you got back.
Just make sure
you wear your uniform.
Who could resist
a war hero?
Of course
I negotiated a raise.
Betty, I don't want
to go back to selling chocolate.
You've got
something better.
I don't.
But, you know...
in the war,
I had time to think about
what's important,
about what I want
out of life
for me, for us.
I wrote you all this
in the letters.
Are we back to those
old letters again?
You want me to read
the letters?
No. It's just you'd understand
what I'm feeling,
what I want.
Tell me what you want.
I thought...
some time.
Time's money.
I want things, Paulie.