I don't think
we've been properly introduced.
I'm Paul Sutton.
Victoria Aragon.
I'm sorry
about the bus.
I feel terrible.
All the problems
I've caused you.
You should just
keep going.
Who knows what
will happen next?
There's always
the possibility
of a forest fire,
I suppose.
Why aren't you
on the bus?
My stop.
You're waiting
for a ride.
No. No.
A miracle.
He's going to kill me.
My father.
If you're still worried
about that picture--
It's not about
the picture.
Oh, God.
Look, it's none
of my business,
but if you'd like
to talk about it...
''I was not meant
for the conventions of this world,
''not meant to be
tied down.
I'm a...
free spirit.''