Funny, it didn't seem that painful
when you did it to the horse.
...Mr. Ventura has an affinity for animals.
Shall we?
Shalln't we?
Tell me, Mr. Ventura...
...just how good are you?
You're a workaholic.
You recently returned from a trip to Gotan,
in Northern Africa...
...and you just took a nasty spill
because of some...
...shoddy masonry work.
Very impressive.
May I ask how?
The abrasion on your hand is the type
sustained in a three-to-five foot fall.
The remnants of plaster on your shoe
pointed to a careless mason.
Your new watch, a quality forgery, was...
...most likely purchased through
the North African black market!
And my work habits?
A workaholic.
The urine stain on your pants...
...would signify that you're a single-shaker!
Far too busy for the follow-up jiggle.
Brilliant, Mr. Ventura!
Simply brilliant!
Spank you!
Spank you, very much!
We've been coexisting quite nicely
with the native cultures...
...for the past 200 years.
They're almost like family at this point.
Are they?
It is imperative that we recover
the sacred animal.
If not, the peaceable Wachati
will be obliterated.
The Wachootoo are bloodthirsty.
They consider it's disappearance
both an insult and a curse.
Do I have something in my teeth?
Lovely brunch, I must say.
I'd like you to meet Ace Ventura.
This is Burton Quinn. He owns
and operates Quinnland Safari Park.