Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Most call me Quinn.
Say hello, Tinky.
Pleasure, Tinky.
Corvus corax. Common raven.
Smartest of all birds.

Rare in these parts.
Excuse me.
That's quite a wrap you're wearing.
Perhaps I could get you
some fluffy new slippers...

...made from the heads of innocent
and defenseless baby seals!

Who is this ghastly man?
Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.
You must be...
...the Monopoly Guy!
Thanks for the free parking.
Another activist, Maguire.
Activist, yes.
Activist, yes.
Mr. Ventura...
...there's nothing wrong
with enjoying the fruits of nature.

You should try it some time.
All righty, then.
You know something?
You're right.
"Do not pass go.
Do not collect two hundred dollars."

It's lovely, but I fancy myself an autumn.
If you've quite finished, Mr. Ventura...
