Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

The Wachati are a peaceful people.
They find all forms of life sacred.
I like them already.
Bumbawae Atuna.
Nice to see you.
Bumblebee Tuna.
Bumblebee Tuna.
Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.
How are you?
All righty, then.
Excuse me.
Your balls are showing.
Bumblebee Tuna.
They have lived in the same state
for thousands of years.

They did not know about disease
until the white man came.

What's going on over here?
All young Wachati warriors
must face five days...

...of balance and concentration.
Should he lose his focus and fall...
...he must start over again.
Earthquake test!
He's good.
With my help, he could be the best.
We should see the chief, Mr. Ventura.
This way.
The chief says he knew you would come.
"Chim-chiminy chim-chim-cheroo!"
The chief has not understood
the dialect you're using.

Say I'm happy to meet him.
And that his sacred...
:27:51 as good as found.
