Well, hey, that looks
like Marilyn Lovell.
But it can't be.
She's not coming to the launch.
I heard it was gonna be
a hell of a show.
Who told you that?
Some guy I know.
You can't live without me.
Okay, folks.
Let's say good night.
'- We got a big day tomorrow.
'- Good night!
You hear about Ken?
One, two.
Stand back, please.
Ah, Guenter Wendt.
I wonder where Guenter went?
'- You walk on ze moon, ja?
'- Ja. Ja, we walk and'-'-
and we talk on ze moon.
How do you feel? Pretty good?
Good. Might be a little
warmer in here, huh?
'- How are you today? Ready?
'- Good. Yeah.
Oh! Oh! Jeez! Oh!
Oh, God, no!
Oh, no.