Roger, Jack.
We see you pitching around.
Keep an eye on that telemetry.
Roger that. If Swigert can't dock
this thing, we don't have a mission.
'- How's the alignment?
'- G.D.C. align.
Thrusting forward.
One hundred feet.
Watch the alignment, now.
Ah, don't worry, guys.
I'm on top of it.
'- FIDO, let me know when you're ready.
'- Okay, let's uplink that.
'- How we lookin'?
'- We're not there yet. Forty feet.
Come on, rookie,
park that thing.
Ten feet.
'- Capture.
'- That's it.
'- Talk back is barber pole.
'- Go ahead and retract.
Houston, we have hard dock.
Roger, understand.
That's a good deal, Jack.
Let's start back up with procedure 17.
Okay, Houston, we have LEM extraction.
We copy that, Thirteen.
Now you're off
to the Fra Mauro highlands.
'- I gotta get out of this suit.
'- Houston, we are ready...
for the beginning
of the P.T.C...
and I think once we're in that
barbecue roll, uh, Jack and I will eat.
'- Hey, I'm hungry.
'- Are you sure?