And then if you could give
your oxygen tanks a stir.
Roger that.
Hey, we've got a problem here.
'- What did you do?
'- Nothing. I stirred the tanks.
'- Whoa!
'- Hey!
Uh, this is Houston.
Say again please.
Houston, we have a problem.
We have a main bus B undervolt.
'- We've got a lot
of thruster activity here.
'- What's with the computer now?
It just went off line.
There's another master alarm.
'- I'm checking the quad.
'- That was no repress valve.
'- Maybe it's in quad C.
I'm gonna reconfigure the R.C.S.
'- We've got a computer restart.
'- We've got a ping light.
'- The way these are firing
doesn't make sense.
We've got multiple caution and warning,
Houston. We've got to reset and restart.
I'm going to S.C.S.
Jesus. Flight, their
heart rates are skyrocketing.
'- EECOM, what's your data telling you?
'- O2 tank two not reading at all.
Tank one is at 725 psi
and falling.
Fuel cells one and three
are, uh'-'-
Oh, boy, what's going on here?
Flight, let me get back to you.
Flight, GNC.
They're all over the place.
'- They keep yawing close to gimbal lock.
'- I keep losing radio signal.
Flight, their antennae
must be flipped around.
They're gonna have to do it
manually if they do it at all.
One at a time, people.
Is this an instrumentation problem
or are we looking at real power loss?
It's reading a quadruple failure.
That can't happen.
It's got to be
Let's get the hatch buttoned.
The LEM might have been hit by a meteor.
The tunnel's really torquin'
with all this movement.