What are you doing?
What the hell are you doing?
You'll get us killed!
Let's get them.
2 Robert 2, in pursuit of Yellow Cab, 501 .
In pursuit. Request backup.
2 Robert 3 responding.
All units, Yellow Cab number 501...
...stolen near vicinity of officers down.
10-4, Regional Air responding.
Regional Air hasjoined the pursuit.
Suspects considered
armed and dangerous.
Robert 2, received.
Turn here!
I know this area!
Hit it!
Don't give any more advice.
This is Regional Air. We're heading
over to the Michigan Viaduct.
All units, maintain your positions.
We'll box him in.
Don't lose him.
This is Regional Air. We copy.
I studied everything you ever did.
Goddamn it, you were good!
You and the Russian, Nicolai Talinkov.
You know,
they say he's living on some Greek island.
But I say, you were the best!
I say, Nicolai's dead as a doornail!
Am I right, Bob?
I heard you guys played chess coded
in the New York Times obituaries.
Ten fucking miles of microfilm!
But I found it! I found it!
The last game ends before anyone wins!